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Year 3 Maple

Welcome to Year 3 Maple page

Welcome to Year 3 Maple!

Welcome back to another jam packed half term!

Please check this page for regular updates and remember to access Class Dojo if you need any questions answering.

Thank you
Mrs Brown


Key Information
Reading books and records should be brought to school daily. Please ensure you child reads regularly throughout the week and an adult signs their reading record. It is important that children are reading as much as possible.

Spelling shed & TTRS log ins can be located inside the front cover of your child's reading record book. 

PE days are TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY so please ensure that your child comes to school in their full PE kit that day with their school jumper/fleece/cardigan.
All children are provided with water bottles and pencil cases in class - please do not send one into school.Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name. It makes it easier to find any missing uniform.

Please ensure children bring coats into school, the weather is starting to get colder and wetter and we still like to give the children time outside for fresh air during breaktime and lunchtime. 


This term we will be reading lots of different books, starting with 'Ocean meets sky' where we will be working towards writing a setting description. 

Spellings are set each week on spelling shed. Children will also be given a copy of these spellings to practise. A short test will be given each week to see how much progress is being made.


Spellings are set each week on spelling shed. Children will also be given a copy of these spellings to practise. A short test will be given each week to see how much progress is being made.


This half term in Maths we will be looking at:


  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division

We will be starting a weekly multiplication check. Please ensure your child practises their times tables at home as well as completing challenges on Times Tables Rock Star (your log in is inside the front cover of your reading record book).


This half term our focus will be Animals including Humans. The children will be taught to:

  • Classify a variety of food items – leading to classification based on their nutrients.
  • Classify animals.
  • Children will generate questions for investigation/ pattern seeking such as:

- Do ‘healthy’ drinks have less sugar? 

-Does brown bread have more fibre?

-Do people with long arms throw further?

-Can people with short legs jump higher?

-Can people with bigger hands catch a ball more easily? 

Children investigate the following questions:
How does the angle that your elbow/knee is bent affect the circumference of your upper arm/thigh?
How does the skull circumference of a girl compare to that of a boy?
Research which foods provide which vitamins and minerals.

Wider Curriculum

In  Geography our topic this half term is Iceland. Children will:

  • Identify the position and significance of Equator, N. and S. Hemisphere, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
  • Locate areas of similar environmental regions.
  • Describe and understand key aspects of: Physical geography - brief introduction to Volcanoes and earthquakes (links to rocks) 
  • Investigate human geographical features to study how the country has evolved – make links to Vikings, Norsemen and Celts. 
  • Compare and contrast with a region in the UK 
  • Identify capital cities of Europe 

In our R.E topic this half term we are learning about 'What do Hindus believe that God is like?'

In D.T. we will be working towards constructing a castle.