Pupils at Radcliffe Hall Primary School
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As per our Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation, each school within the Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust has its own Local Academy Committee (LAC), which must have a minimum of 2 parent partners in its membership.

Local Academy Committee's have powers and responsibility delegated to them by the Trust Board of Directors and from the Chief Executive Officer, so that those people closest to a school have the prerogative to work in partnership effectively.

We strongly believe that excellent schools have excellent leadership and management from within.

The Trust has a duty to ensure that it enables excellent leadership in each of our schools through empowerment and support.

The Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust Governance Handbook includes the terms of reference for Local Academy Committees and outlines the code of conduct for partners at all levels.

We actively promote diversity across our Local Governors. Publishing information relating our partners would allow for individuals to be identified and is therefore not available through our website.

Radcliffe Hall Local Academy Committee

Current Members
Previous Members


Name Member Type Appointed by Date of Appointment Term of Office Pecuniary Interests Resignation Date (if applicable)
Elizabeth Cook Interim Headteacher Ex-Officio 08/04/24 08/04/24- No N/A
Shirley Thorton (Chair) Community Appointed by Trustees 01/09/24 01/09/24 - 31/05/26 No N/A
Jane Close  Foundation Appointed by Trustees 01/06/23  01/06/23 - 31/05/27 Yes N/A
Helen Chatburn Foundation Appointed by Trustees 31/05/22 31/05/22-30/05/26 No N/A
Alexandru Lascar  Parent  Elected by Parents 16/10/23 16/10/23-15/10/27 No N/A
Paul Johnson Community Appointed by Trustees 01/06/24 01/06/24 - 31/05/28   N/A
Natalie Curley Parent  Elected by Parents 16/10/23 16/10/23-15/10/27 No N/A
Megan Cuthbert  Staff Elected by Staff 12/03/24 12/03/24-31/08/27 No N/A


Name Member Type Appointing Board Term of Office Resignation Date Pecuniary Interests
Lindsay Appleton Parent Elected by Parents 01/09/22-24/05/23 24/05/23 No
Helaine De Las Heras Oliver  Staff Elected by Staff 01/09/22-31/08/26 31/08/23 No
Yasmin Poxton  Parent  Elected by Parents 01/09/22-31/08/23 31/08/23 No
Rebecca Healey Staff Elected by Staff 01/09/23-11/03/24 11/03/24 No


LAC Attendance at Meetings

Attendance 2020 - 2021

Name Autumn 2020 Spring 2021 Summer 2021
Mark Granby Present Present Present
Jane Close Present Present Present
Gillian Fisher Present Present Present
Yasmin Poxton Present Present Present
Melanie Dawson Present Present Present
Emma Ford Present Present Present
Sian Hamer Present Present Present
Shirley Thornton Present Present Present

Attendance 2019 - 2020

Name Summer 2019 Autumn 2019 Spring 2020 Summer 2020
Mark Granby Present Present Cancelled due to Lockdown Present
Jane Close Present Present Cancelled due to Lockdown Present
Gillian Fisher Present Present Cancelled due to Lockdown Present
Yasmin Poxton Present Present Cancelled due to Lockdown Apologies
Melanie Dawson Present Present Cancelled due to Lockdown Apologies
Emma Ford Present Present Cancelled due to Lockdown Present
Sian Hamer Present Present Cancelled due to Lockdown Present
Shirley Thornton Apologies Apologies Cancelled due to Lockdown Present

Attendance 2021 - 2022

Name  October 2021 November 21 February 22 March 22 May 22 July 22
Jane Close Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Shirley Thornton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gill Fisher  Yes Apologies Made Yes Yes Yes Not Appointed
Melanie Dawson Apologies Made  Yes Yes Apologies Made  Apologies Made  Not Appointed 
Yasmin Poxton Yes Yes Yes Apologies Made Yes Apologies Made 
Sian Hamer  Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not Appointed
Helen Chatburn Not Apponited Not Appointed Not Appointed Not Appointed Yes Yes
Helaina De Las Heras Oliver Not Appointed Not Appointed Not Appointed  Not Appointed  Not Appointed  Apologies Made
Lindsey Appleton  Not Appointed Not Appointed Not Appointed  Not Appointed  Not Appointed  Yes
Paul Wilson  Not Appointed  Not Appointed Yes Yes Yes Yes