Welcome to Year 3 Ash!
I'm so excited to get to know you all this year. I hope you have had a lovely summer and are ready and raring to go for another jam packed year.
Please check this page for regular updates and remember to access Class Dojo if you need any questions answering.
Thank you
Miss Lees
Key Information
Reading books and records should be brought to school daily. Please ensure you child reads regularly throughout the week and an adult signs their reading record. It is important that children are reading as much as possible.
Spelling shed & TTRS log ins can be located inside the front cover of your child's reading record book.
PE days are MONDAY and FRIDAY so please ensure that your child comes to school in their full PE kit that day.
All children are provided with water bottles - please do not send one into school
Please send children into school with a Radcliffe Hall bookbag rather than a backpack - we are limited on cloakroom space and this really helps
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.