Pupils at Radcliffe Hall Primary School
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Year 3 Ash

Welcome to the Year 3 Ash Page

Welcome to Year 3 Ash!

I hope you have all had a lovely, restful break over the festive period. I'm so happy to welcome you back to another jam packed half term.

Please check this page for regular updates and remember to access Class Dojo if you need any questions answering.

Thank you
Miss Lees

Key Information
Reading books and records should be brought to school daily. Please ensure you child reads regularly throughout the week and an adult signs their reading record. It is important that children are reading as much as possible.

Spelling shed & TTRS log ins can be located inside the front cover of your child's reading record book. 

PE days are TUESDAY and THURSDAY so please ensure that your child comes to school in their full PE kit that day.
All children are provided with water bottles - please do not send one into school

Please send children into school with a Radcliffe Hall bookbag rather than a backpack - we are limited on cloakroom space and this really helps
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.


This term we will be focusing on just one book, 'The fox that stole the moon' where we will initially be working towards writing a narrative. We have decided to focus on just one book so that children are really able to explore the book to its fullest.

Spellings are set each week on spelling shed. Children will also be given a copy of these spellings to practise. A short test will be given each week to see how much progress is being made.



This half term in Maths we will be looking at:


  • Multiplication and Division
  • Length and Perimeter

We will be continuing our weekly multiplication check. By the end of year 3, children are expected to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 & 10 times tables.

Please ensure your child practises their times tables at home as well as completing challenges on Times Tables Rock Star (your log in is inside the front cover of your reading record book).



This half term our focus will be forces and magnets. The children will be taught to

-Compare how things move on different surfaces.
-Notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance.
-Observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others.
-Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet and identify some magnetic materials.
-Describe magnets as having two poles.
-Predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing

Wider Curriculum

In  History our topic this half term is Anglo Saxons. Children will:

  • understand who the Anglo Saxons and Scots were and when and why they invaded Britain
  • be able to explain some key features of life in Anglo Saxon Britain
  • Discuss the idea of Anglo-Saxons invading and the idea of them being invited.
  • Describe artefacts that have been discovered
  • Explain how life in Britain changed because of Anglo-Saxon invasion, recognising similarities and differences.
  • Describe the work of some key individuals at the time. 


In our R.E topic this half term we are learning about 'What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?'

In Art we will be looking at the artist Georges Seurat and his works using pointillism. Children will:

  • Know about the French impressionist artist Georges Seurat and that he was known for using scientific ideas to develop his painting techniques
  • Identify the differences and similarities between the practices and disciplines that Georges Seurat used
  • Understand that pointillist painters do not mix the colours on the palette – they use the colours straight from the tube
  • Make links between the designs of Georges Seurat and their own work