Pupils at Radcliffe Hall Primary School
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Year 3 Ash

Welcome to the Year 3 Ash Page

Welcome back to Summer Term 1. I hope you have all had a wonderful break and are coming back to school refreshed and ready for another term.

Please check in regularly to see what we're up to and don't forget you can always check in with me on the class dojo app. If you are unsure how this works please don't hesitate to speak to me on the playground.

Thank you
Miss Lees

Key Information
Reading books and records should be brought to school daily. Please ensure you child reads regularly throughout the week and an adult signs their reading record. It is important that children are reading as much as possible.

Homework is set on a Friday and is expected to be completed and sent into school by the following Friday. 

Spelling shed & TTRS log ins can be located inside the front cover of your child's homework book. 

PE days are Tuesday and Thursday so please ensure that your child comes to school in their full PE kit that day.
Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school.
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.


The first story we will be reading is  Escape from Pompeii.  We will be looking at character traits meaning we will be focusing on how the characters in the books are shown. What are their personalities like and why do they make the decisions that they do? We will use this to base our creative writing around.

As our grammar focus we will be looking more at descriptive writing in particular looking at nouns and adjectives and how to stretch them further to push our writing to the next level.


This half term in Maths we will be looking at:

  • Fractions
  • Money
  • Time

We will be continuing with our weekly multiplication check. Please ensure your child practises their times tables at home as well as completing challenges on Times Tables Rock Star (your log in is inside the front cover of your homework book).

Children have made remarkable progress with their multiplication knowledge. Thank you for your support in this.


This half term our focus will be Electricity. The children will be taught to:

  • What is electricity?
  • How do we control electricity?
  • What is a circuit?
  • What does it meant to conduct electricity?

Wider Curriculum

  • In  History our topic this half term is astudy into the history of The Roman Empire. We will explore on why the Romans came to Britain and how they changed the history of the country.
  • In our R.E topic this half term we are learning about the Pentecost. We will be further exploring Christiainity and looking more at special celebrations and what it means to be a Chrisitan in Modern Britain.
  • In Art we are focusing on the Artist Yayoi Kusama. We will be exploring clay whilst also explosing how to use colours to create a sense of warmth and depth.
  • In PSHCE our topic is based around our character and what makes us unique and recognising that we all have differences and that we all have skills unique to us.